Welcome to the House of Prayer Ministries, welcome everyone who is online and everyone in the congregation. Now if you are tuning in for the first time or if you are listening via livestream, again everything that has in the service is for you. Amen! If you ave receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, everything that has happen here this morning is available to you. So just believe it and receive it. Amen! And again, for those who maybe here for the first time online or listening to video recording, the Lord always gives me the Word hours before the service and it’s been faithful to give it to me again, Praise God! So, as I was seeking to the Lord for the message, I had this doubt process, I think this helps many of you, because due this christian life or just like in general you have a lot of decisions to make, you have lot of doubts, a lot of things you have to consider and think about. So, let’s just take a parent, now me and my wife have four children and as our children are growing up, there’s so much that I have to consider, there’s so many things that in this world that possibilities: good possibilities – bad possibilities. And when your children are growing up, you just wanna to protect them, you wanna keep them, you don’t want them have any harm or danger or anything. But we as parents understand that we can’t shield our children for everything.