
Well God has a plan for you also. And His career for you is better than any thing you could think of.
1 Cor 2:9-10
And God is the one who shows us His plan. He reveals it by His Spirit. God gave Joseph a dream of his future. In other scripture God used visions to show what He had in store for the person. So our vision for our life is what God has revealed to us. When the Lord reveal our future whether it is little by little or our future many years away. This becomes our vision. We must believe God and see ourselves with what He has for us. Also we need to write down what God has revealed to us about our future.
Hab 2:2-3
And finally we must speak what God has shown us.
Therefore our future that God has for us is set. And our future that He reveals becomes our vision. Our dream, goal and destiny. After reveals it, it is our job to believe it, see it, write it and speak it. And then we are guaranteed to get there.